Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A sad day..........

So on Mothers Day I was driving home from Salem after a glorious week and a glorious day when I got a call from my parents. They informed me that my cousin Shauna, who is my age, lost her son to a motorcycle accident on Saturday night. He was 20. I thought to myself what a different Mother's Day I had in comparison to my first cousin. I was celebrating Ben's new life post graduation from law school and Shauna was having to bear the grief of planning her son's funeral. I will never understand in this life why God takes some and leaves others. I do know that He has a plan for all of us. I also know that I am grateful for His healing hand in our lives...........


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

That is so sad. If there's one thing I've learned in the past year or so, it's that we don't have control over every aspect of our lives, and even though we may not understand why, there's always something to be learned from it. I'm grateful for the Lord's healing hand, too.

I think there's a quote from Neal A. Maxwell (I don't know it verbatim so forgive this butchering) but he says something along the lines of how can we expect to go back to our Father in Heaven and exaltation, and expect to have perfect lives with no difficulties, when the Savior came down here and experienced everything that we have or ever will. Why would we not want to experience those things to be more like Him?

I know that's not totally right on, and I know we don't necessarily WANT to have trials, but there's definitely some truth in that and becoming more like the Savior.

Sorry for the long comment.....