Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It never gets old................

It just never gets old looking off my deck. All the bushes are in full bloom with little white flowers - my new crab apple tree is bright pink............all in all it's just lovely up here.

On another note, Alli's facebook status has changed to 'in a relationship'. Kind of freaked me out for a minute but only for a minute. Nic is a really nice guy and I guess Alli is old enough to date, right? Maybe we should hold a family council and take a vote on that...........I thought she was 14! tehe al...............


Warrior Princesa said...

Hey Z,
No worries about the sun! I'm a big girl and it's my silly mistakes that make me laugh. Live and learn right? I think it's funny, every year i convince myself that i'm brown, and every i'm proved wrong. i, like, you would rather die of skin cancer then stay out of the sun!! love you so much!

Sharon said...

Love the view, can't wait to see it in a couple days. So Alli...not single, nice!

nison (nic + allison) said...

The family council? haha I think most would vote 'no' against dating, but not me.

Dani said...

A family council is a good idea. :) And is Alli 14 already? I thought she was only 12! Just kiddin' Al.

Dyan said...

It doesn't get old just looking at the little 3x3 pic here either! I can only imagine in real life....Mark and I were just talking the other day how when/if/ever we move back west Oregon will be near the top of the trip list. Since we won't have to pay to go to AZ (if we end up there) we can take those funds and travel elsewhere. We thought a few days in Portland with D&J then down to K-town would be fun! Wishful fun thinking if nothing else!

suzanne said...

You always have a place to stay, a horse to ride, a pool to swim in, and a beautiful view to look at! Hurry!